Parker Ribs

About the Company


The company Parker Poland is a subsidiary of AH Parker & Sons (GB) Ltd, which was founded in 1886,  incorporated in 1940 and active in Poland since the early 1970s.

Over the years, Parker has become a well-established manufacturer and supplier of Rigid Inflatable Boats, with size range from 5.10  to 16 meters open or cabin versions.

Using the experience and skills from the production of the Parker Rigid Inflatable Boats, the company  entered the market of sport, leisure and fishing boats. These range from 6 meter sport cruisers, to 11 meter family leisure boats, and already now includes 17 different models. To meet the ever-changing requirements of the global markets,  we are introducing  new models every year. This is all based on positive feedback received from our Customers and Dealers.

The Parker Boats are praised for its innovative shape, outstanding sea keeping abilities and most of all superb quality and sturdiness.

The current range of Parker boats includes:

  • Parker 630 in two versions - Bow Rider and Day Cruiser
  • Parker 660 in two versions - Weekend and Open.
  • Parker 690 in two versions - Sport, Bow Rider
  • Parker 700 Pilothouse
  • Parker 720 Adventure 
  • Parker 760 Quest 
  • Parker 790 Explorer
  • Parker 800 Weekend. 
  • Parker 800 Cruiser
  • Parker 850 Voyager - the perfect daycruiser for up to 10 persons

  • Parker 910 Odyssey
  • Parker 920 MAX
  • Parker Sorrento
  • Parker Monaco 110 - the first of a new series of Sporty outboard boats

Parker Boats

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Have questions? Get in touch.


Parker Poland Sp. z o.o.

  ul. Firmowa 30,

  05-152 Cząstków Polski, Poland


  +48 22 785 11 11

  +48 22 785 09 99

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Parker Poland Sp. z o. o.  realizuje projekt w ramach działania 3.4. dotacje na Kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020.
Celem projektu jest:” Dofinansowanie  do Kapitału Obrotowego – w związku ze spadkiem obrotów spowodowanych pandemią COVID-19, określonego  we wniosku o dofinasowanie nr POIR.03.04.00-14-0330/20”.
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 127 128,00 PLN